Next PCC Meeting: Thursday, 6 February, in the Community Room at 1122 West Panola Street in Carthage, between the Circle M Cafe & Master’s Blend. Meet & greet starts at 6 PM and program at 6:30 PM.
- Draft Minutes from 2 January meeting & Agenda for 6 February meeting will be posted soon.
New and Noteworthy:
Speaker of the Texas House: Full House vote on 14 January, the opening day of the 89th Legislative session. This vote is supposed to be an open record vote based on current rules. A simple majority of 76 votes is needed for a win. Take action to help ensure a true conservative speaker wins! This would be a speaker who does not allow Democrats to chair any committees, wins; contact holdout legislators, be in Austin on opening day, raise funds to pay for a bus, ….
2025 Texas Legislative session – What are your priorities for this session? Take our poll here. Note, you may only take the poll once.:
News from other Panola County organizations:
- Carthage Activism Hub (TPUSA) A hub for young adults (high school/college) to get involved in the conservative political process.
- Panola County Republican Women (PCRW) meets the third Tuesday of each month at noon (brown bag lunch at 11:30) at the Chamber of Commerce, 402 S Garrison Ave., Carthage. Next meeting 21 January
- Panola County Republican County (PCRP) The chair is Mark Williams. Information about the PCRP can be found on their Facebook page.
- PCRP County Executive Committee (CEC) The CEC is the county chair and the voting precinct chairs. A list of current precinct chairs is here.
Just say KNOW Initiative: A mission of the Patriot Academy to Restore Constitutional Order … Read the following and refresh your knowledge about
- The Basic Principles of Federalism, the State-Federal Governing Partnership
- How States Protect the Constitution
- The States’ Duty to Defend Against Federal Excess
Join us on Facebook If you are not seeing the PCC page in your feed, see here for a possible solution.
The purpose of the Panola County Conservatives is to promote the Conservative Constitutional values of our Founding Fathers through education. The goals of this organization are to educate about and advocate for conservative values that follow the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Texas. In support of these goals, civic engagement through attendance at governmental meetings or sessions, and via phone calls, postal mail, electronic mail, and in-person visits to our city, county, state, and federal representatives shall be encouraged.